
Build over cubed ice in a rocks glass, stirring enough to combine the ingredients without melting the ice too much. Garnish with an orange twist.


Where the Negroni has light herbal notes discernable around the edges of the Campari's distinctive bitterness, this variant has a subtle syrupy sweetness as well as peppery and spicy qualities not found in the original. It's an altogether rounder flavour. Jägermeister requires something powerful to temper its dominating taste, and the Campari does a very respectable job. It's a surprisingly convicingly combination overall.


This arose as part of my personal mission to include Jägermeister in serious cocktails, which seems to be a largely unexplored area outside of Jägerbombs, the less said about which the better.

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Funny, there was another Jageroni entered into MxMo LXXI. Though that one used Jagermeister as a substitute for the sweet vermouth.

This sounds good, and I applaud your project to treat Jägermeister as a serious cocktail ingredient, but this drink could only be improved by being renamed the Jäbroni.
