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1 1⁄2 oz Gin, Beefeater
1⁄2 oz Herbal liqueur, Green Chartreuse

Stir for 30 seconds, strain into profoundly cold coupe. No garnish.


Heady, herbal, strong, bracing. Not for the faint of heart, generally one is enough as an apéro. Any classic London Dry would be appropriate.


Created for Forest Collins, cocktail and nightlife blogger based in Paris ( and on Twitter as @52martinis Alaska: 1.5 oz gin, .5 oz yellow Chartreuse

Cocktail summary
Is the
author's original creation
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4 stars
(16 ratings)
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From other users
  • Used .75 St. George Terroir and .75 Tanqueray 10. Will try with a sprig of rosemary next time. — ★★★★★
  • I like this more than the Alaska cocktail. I also lives up to the name. This is a fantastic herbally piney stirred drink.
  • St. Georges Terroir Gin — ★★★★★
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mahastew commented on 11/09/2013:

I'm under the weather with something called "para-influenza," which apparently is a legal term for "hatin' life," and this drink is treating me just right.

Rob Marais commented on 11/23/2013:

Just catching up with the site, and I appreciate your comments. Surprised you have that kinda eau de vie, it's not too common but man is it original and fun to use in weird drink formulas.
It takes a strong man or woman to enjoy an Alaska Forest! Hope you follow @52martinis on Twitter too.