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3⁄4 oz Amaro Meletti
1⁄2 oz Tuaca (or Navan or Licor 43)
1⁄2 oz Fernet Branca
1⁄4 oz Virgin Islands Rum, Cruzan Blackstrap
1⁄4 oz Root liqueur
1 twst Orange peel

Stir all ingredients but orange twist over ice and strain into a chilled coupe. Garnish with orange twist


I was trying to use the ROOT liqueur so that it wouldn't just sit on my shelf like a number of my liqueurs. It's very hard to use because it seems to overwhelm everything.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Jordan Gray aka Pb n Foie aka Butters
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(5 ratings)
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