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1 oz Aperol
1⁄2 oz Gin, Beefeater

Stir, garnish with an orange peel

Cocktail summary
Created by
Aaron Lara, Anvil, Houston Texas
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
3.5 stars
(15 ratings)
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From other users
  • It's ok. The bitterness comes through, but it's a bit flat. I tried adding some pepper flakes to balance the sweetness, but not much help. — ★★★
  • Meh. Tastes like Aperol.
  • Rather sweet. The unexpected gin plays a pleasant role. Nice zip on the finish. I wonder if less Aperol, or a less-sweet bitter component, would serve well. — ★★★★★
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Zachary Pearson commented on 10/23/2014:


They're the same thing. Since we have a lot of Bianco (semisweet, but light in color) vermouths, it didn't make a lot of sense to rig up the database to handle Dolin Blanc.

