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Stir, strain, straight up or on the rocks


A simple 50/50 cocktail suggested by an eGullet poster. Sam called it Patios initially, but then it was published in Imbibe and referred to as the Kinsey Report. Previously published here as the Sam Lloyd Kinsey.

Cocktail summary
Posted by Dan on
Created by
Samuel Lloyd Kinsey, eGullet
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
2.5 stars
(3 ratings)
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  • Strong and very funky. EDIT: Still strong and very funky, but now more appreciated. — ★★★★
Similar cocktails
mahastew commented on 4/04/2013:

Interesting. I get a strong vanilla afternote. Complex and a little better than I expected. 4/5

DrunkLab commented on 7/16/2013:

Good as a Negroni-type drink with an equal part of Campari or Aperol.

mahastew commented on 8/03/2013:

Dan, I communicated with Sam who says the actual name of this drink is the Patois. Also, he never goes by Sam Lloyd Kinsey, but rather Samuel Lloyd Kinsey in full and Sam for short.

Dan commented on 6/14/2014:

Tried this with Campari and found it needed an additional equal part of dry vermouth to tame the syrupy sweetness.

DrunkLab commented on 6/17/2014:

As FrogPrincesse points out on eGullet, my suggestion makes a drink very much like Allan Katz' Negroni riff the Rope Burn, which I've since added to the database:

Made with Campari, I too found it syrupy, but no more so than a Negroni, and balanced by the crazy aromas and flavors. Adding another part of dry vermouth sounds like a great idea, however, as I've found that doing that can often elongate and settle all-booze drinks that otherwise have too much going on.

Unrelatedly, I believe Stew's right about SLK's preferred name for this drink being Patois.