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3⁄4 oz Campari
1 Maraschino cherry (as garnish)

Stir, stain, straight up, cocktail glass, garnish


The original called for Bittermen's Sweet Chocolate bitters, a one-off bitters made by a measuring error when making their Mole bitters.


This recipe previously listed a variation using rye, regular sweet vermouth, and omitting the bitters. Corrected thanks to a comment by Campus Five.

Cocktail summary
Posted by Dan on
Created by
Sam Ross, Milk & Honey and Little Branch, New York, NY
Is an
authentic recipe

Dark Spirits, A. J. Rathbun, Melissa Punch

Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(40 ratings)
Yields Drink

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From other users
  • Beats a Manhattan any day. Used Cocchi di Torino. Vanilla and chocolate... Mmmm...
  • Was OK - not sure if it's cuz of the mole bitters. maybe i don't like them? I used Punt, btw. and bourbon 1.5oz.
  • We also make this one with a 2:1 ratio (1.5 oz bourbon), as recommended in the PDT. Garnish with an amarena cherry (Fabbri or Toschi), or a home-brandied version of same. — ★★★★★
  • Works better with Bitter Luxardo, rather than Campari.
  • I made with coffee-infused Antica Formula. Nice, Campari comes out strong. I might reduce that to .5 oz. Also, I reduced bourbon to 1.5oz as suggested by other users.
  • Used Evan Williams single barrel bourbon (2.5 oz). Rate 4.0
  • make with 1.5 oz bourbon
  • Still says 2oz bourbon. Should be 1.5oz.
  • Boy that cherry was good at the end.
  • Beautiful color. Blood just starting to dry. Very inviting aroma. Spicy, and very old school. Ladies and gentlemen, Do not call. We have a winner! Best showcase for chocolate bitters yet!
Similar cocktails
campus five commented on 5/22/2011:

The recipe as currently listed is not the original, but rather an accidental variation by Damian Windsor (currently at Roger Room, Los Angeles) that I have posted on eGullet repeatedly.

The original is by Sam Ross (Milk and Honey, Little Branch, etc.).

1.5 oz Bourbon (Elijah Craig)
.75 oz Campari
.75 oz Carpano Antica
2 dashes Mole Bitters

Stir, strain, up, cherry.

This recipe was originally found on the Bitterman's website, but it's been removed.
It can be found in this book:…
However, it lists Bitterman's Sweet Chocolate Bitters, instead of the Mole Bitters.

Dan commented on 5/22/2011:

Thanks, Campus Five. I've correct the recipe using the source you cited.

tophat665 commented on 8/04/2013:

Wow! That's a perfect showcase for chocolate in bitters (I had to use Fee Bro's Aztec Chocolate, but that's close, nu? Same league if not the same ballpark.) Well played! 4 of 5, and 4.7 if there were 10th stars.

Casey commented on 8/09/2013:

Good - but if I'm aiming for this, I prefer a Punt e Mes manhattan (2:1) with 2 big dashes of Bittermens Mole.