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How do I organize my cocktail recipes in the Kindred Cocktails database?

Kindred Cocktails is a shared cocktail recipe database. You can create your own “Cocktail Book” containing just the recipes you want. If you find exceptional cocktails elsewhere, you can submit them to Kindred Cocktail. And you can add your own creations if they meet our guidelines.

Getting Started

The first step is to sign-up, creating a user name and password. You'll receive a confirmation e-mail. Click the validation link in it, and you're ready to start building your Cocktail Book.

Finding cocktails

Click the COCKTAIL menu and you'll find a powerful set of options to help you locate just the cocktails that you want. Filter by ingredient or notes or rating or whatever. You can display just the cocktail names, or include a brief summary or list of ingredients. You can then click on any cocktail's name to see the full recipe.

Adding cocktails

Kindred Cocktails accepts submissions for new cocktails. They must conform to our style guidelines. Use the NEW menu to submit a new cocktail. See the FAQ for more info.