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2 oz Mezcal
3⁄4 oz Lime juice
3⁄4 oz Serrano syrup
2 oz Champagne
2 spg Mint

Place the leaves of one sprig of mint at the bottom of the serving glass as garnish, and top with ice and Champagne. Combine other ingredients including second mint sprig, shake, and double strain into the serving glass. Serve with straw.


Despite the name, I made this with Fidencio Clásico, and I thought its fruit and moderate smoke were a very good match for the other ingredients.


Mezcal Mojitos are delicious.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Rafa García Febles, NYC.
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
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5 stars
(2 ratings)
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  • Counting versions with soda instead of bubbly, probably my most made cocktail of late. — ★★★★★
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