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2 Strawberry (2 or 3 strawberries)
1 oz Gin

Muddle berries, reserving a few slices for garnish. Shake all ingredients vigorously with ice, strain into a chilled glass, and garnish with strawberry.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Dan Warner, London
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
2.5 stars
(4 ratings)
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From other users
  • I cut the luxardo to 1/4 because 1/2 seemed like a lot. Result was pretty mediocre for me, and I don't think another 1/4 of luxardo would have helped. Kind of boring, and has a taste that I find a little strange.
  • Gin- sweet, bitter
Similar cocktails
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noksagt commented on 8/28/2016:

This particular recipe may have been popularized by a modern Beefeater brand ambassador, but note that the Bloodhound is a classic cocktail appearing in Savoy. Most versions up the base gin to 2 oz and eschew maraschino.

I found this particular version to be blander than the 2 oz gin:1 oz french vermouth: 1 oz italian vermouth classic. It was not insipid, though & adding some sweetness to the classic (which may have used sugar-sweetened coulis anyway) isn't a bad idea.

Some variations use raspberries, which I'd be eager to try.