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1 oz Gin, Bluecoat (Citrusy gins such as Beefeater 24, New Amsterdam also good with this.)
1 oz Aromatized wine, Lillet Blanc
1⁄4 oz Cranberry shrub (Homemade using demarara & cider vinegar.)
1 spl Prosecco (Or cava, should be dry, fill flute.)

Combine gin, Lillet blanc and cranberry shrub in mixing glass over ice, stir to combine, strain into flute, top with dry prosecco or cava.


From my notes, this was tasty last Thanksgiving with homemade cranberry shrub. Might be tasty with other shrubs (i.e. cherry, kiwi, apricot) for other occasions. Cranberry shrub homemade with demarara sugar & cider vinegar as per


Whipped up à la minute last Turkey Day, 11/25/10.

Cocktail summary
Thanksgiving Apéro
©2011 Kindred Cocktails
Created by
Rob Marais, Boston MA
Is the
author's original creation
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Rob Marais commented on 5/25/2011:

Dan, thanks for the nice picture! As for the prosecco in the shot the Mionetto secco was a great call, just what I used last Thanksgiving!

Dan commented on 5/30/2011:

Lillet asked for a photo, so I obliged.