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Irish cream is a sweetened, cream based liqueur that features [ingredient=irish-whiskey Irish whiskey] as the base alcohol. As most Irish whiskey is lighter in character, the cream and sugar hide the alcohol quite well.

Most Irish cream liqueurs are off white to pale beige in color and opaque. They taste strongly of cream and sugar, with a bare alcohol taste on the finish. Most are bottled at around 35 proof.

Some popular cocktails containing Irish Cream

  • Disco Banjo — Hazelnut liqueur, Irish Cream, Coffee liqueur, Scotch, Bitters, Hellfire Habanero Shrub
  • Somnambulist — Brandy, Coffee liqueur, Irish Cream, Espresso
  • K2 — Bourbon, Coffee liqueur, Irish Cream, Whole egg, Stout Reduction, Grade B maple syrup, Nutmeg
  • The Dead Rabbit Coffee Cocktail — Irish Cream, Port, Irish whiskey, Bitters, Whole egg, Simple syrup, Nutmeg