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1 1⁄2 oz Almond liqueur (El Ultimo Agave)
3⁄4 oz Sherry (Dry Sack Medium Dry)
1⁄2 oz Campari
1⁄2 oz Lavender syrup
3 ds Aztec Chocolate bitters
8 dr Absinthe

1. Into a frozen coupe glass, add the absinthe and swirl to coat the inside of the glass, and return glass to freezer.
2. Add all other ingredients into a shaker with ice and shake very well.
3. Strain into the coupe glass.


The balancing act for me is the Campari: I like it just a tad bitter-y. Everything else swirls nicely around it.


A huge reconstruction project is finally done and I'm still a bit off-balance.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Carl N.
Is the
author's original creation
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