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1 1⁄2 oz Genever
1⁄2 oz Sweet vermouth
1⁄2 oz Fernet Branca
1 twst Orange peel

Stir, strain, up, twist.


Featured in the book Left Coast Libations, p. 33. (Neyah White created the drink, rather than Joel Baker.)

Cocktail summary
Created by
Neyah White, San Francisco, CA.
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
3 stars
(6 ratings)
Yields Drink

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yarm commented on 2/15/2025:

In Left Coast Libations page 33, this and Old Bill are attributed to Neyah White and not Joel Baker (who is the two pages before this with The Matador and Pear Sonata).

Shawn C commented on 2/16/2025:

Thanks, curated to correct creator.

yarm commented on 2/16/2025:

While Neyah was at Bourbon & Branch, it probably coincides with his later time at Nopa (2006-10) since Genever was hard to source before Bols launched their product in America circa 2007-08.

Shawn C commented on 2/17/2025:

I wondered if the bar would be the same, and assumed it was sometime between ~2008 and 2010 coinciding with Bols US genever launch. I have changed it to just San Francisco since the establishment of origin is not...established.

yarm commented on 2/17/2025:

That's fair since the book didn't list his place of work in the bio page opposite the two drink recipes. I believe that he had just left NOPA when it was published, but his LinkedIn only had NOPA down during the possible years after the launch and before publication.