Squeeze lime wedges into low-ball glass and muddle with sugar until dissolved. Add cachaça. Stir.
Brazils most famous drink. Time-savier: use 1/2 oz lime juice and 1/2 oz simple syrup. For some, 2 oz of of cachaça is sufficient.
Cocktail summary
Is of
unknown authenticity
Gary Regan, The Joy of Mixology
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4.5 stars
(22 ratings)
Cachaça, Sugar, Lime
craft, alcoholic
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From other users
Went with lime juice and simple sugar option.
Refreshing and boozy. I lived in Brazil for 3yrs. Cut 1/2 - 1 lime into pieces & put 2 T sugar in a bottom of rocks glass, muddle, add ice & at least 3oz cachaca - cheap stuff ok. Enjoy! Never liked simple w/ this drink.
I like this: 2 oz cachaca; 3/4 of a lime; 3/4 oz simple; 1 cube. Muddle, shake with cracked ice, strain to chilled DOF with cracked ice.
Refreshing and boozy. I lived in Brazil for 3yrs. Cut 1/2 - 1 lime into pieces & put 2 T sugar in a bottom of rocks glass, muddle, add ice & at least 3oz cachaca - cheap stuff ok. Enjoy! Never liked simple w/ this drink.