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2 t Campari
4 1⁄8 oz Brut Champagne

Build into a champagne flute


Just about any dry champagne will do. I personally prefer Perrier Jouët


Created in 2018 by Alex Vowles to celebrate a friend winning a local election

Cocktail summary
Created by
Alex Vowles, Hawthorn Lounge, Wellington NZ
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(11 ratings)
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From other users
  • Bitter, sweet and refreshing. Could be drank as a great aperitif or as a celebratory drink. The bitterness of the Campari plays well with the dry effervescence of the champagne. — ★★★★★
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A.Martini commented on 3/15/2023:

Sparkling wine and Campari is an aperitif drunk in all the bars of Italy for over a century. In my city it's called Chiodino, meaning little nail.
This is because the carefully poured Campari penetrates like a nail into the wine.