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1 oz Campari
3⁄4 oz Passion fruit syrup
3 wdg Lemon (3-4 wedge (approx. 1/2 a lemon))
6 lf Mint (6-8 leaf)
1 pn Salt (Or 5 drops 1:4 saline)

Muddle lemon wedges, mint, and salt in the passion fruit syrup. Add the rest, whip shake, and strain into a rocks glass with crushed ice. Garnish with a mint bouquet and add a straw.


Rather tropical.


Inspired by Nicholas Jarrett's Prizefighter series (there are 8 variations) and the Ferrari shot, I named this after another important aspect of the fight game.

Cocktail summary
Posted by yarm on
Created by
Frederic Yarm, Boston, MA
Is the
author's original creation
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