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1 oz Cognac
1 oz Madeira
3 Maraschino cherry (One each: red, white and green)

Stir serve and serve up.


Ok, it's easy to get red maraschino cherries, and I remember seeing green around Xmas (at least in my childhood) but I nor anyone at the bar can remember ever seeing a white one.


Apparently this drink is a true hazard to keeping a 'consistent maidenhood' so ladies beware!

Cocktail summary
Posted by rwilde on
Created by
Baker got this New Orleans drink recipe from an Episcopal Bishop of Washington, who wrote books about pirates. To my best guess this would have been James E. Freeman (DC's Bishop 1923-1943)
Is of
unknown authenticity

The Gentleman's Companion, vol. 2 by Charles H. Baker, Jr (1939)

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yarm commented on 6/11/2023:

When I put this on a menu, I did 1 1/4 oz brandy, 1 1/4 oz Madeira (a dry one like Sercial at work or Verdelho at home), 1/2 oz Maraschino, 1 dash orange bitters. Cherry garnish. Even Baker commented in his book that it had too much Maraschino.