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1 3⁄4 oz Apple brandy
3⁄4 oz Cappelletti Aperitivo
1⁄4 oz Herbal liqueur, Green Chartreuse
1⁄4 oz Kirschwasser
2 ds Apple bitters
1 Cherry (as garnish)

Stir; strain; up; garnish


Fannee Doolee likes apple brandy but hates whiskey; likes Cappelletti but hates Campari; likes Green Chartreuse but hates Genepy; likes Kirschwasser but hates eaux de vies; likes cherries but hates lemon twists. And likes stirred drinks but not shaken.

Cocktail summary
Picture of Fannee Doolee
Craig Eliason
Created by
Craig Eliason, Saint Paul, Minnesota (USA)
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
3 stars
(1 rating)
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