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1 1⁄2 oz Apple brandy
1⁄2 oz Grenadine
1 pn Malic acid (3/4 g)
1 pn Citric acid (1/2 g)
1 twst Lime peel (expressed and discard)

Combine at room temperature and stir until acid is dissolved. Stir with cracked ice, strain, serve up, express and discard lime peel.


Inspired by Kevin Liu's Martini Sour. Malic acid has strong green apple notes.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Rafa GarcĂ­a Febles, NYC.
Is the
author's original creation
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Bevx commented on 7/28/2013:

Very nice. I didn't have the malic acid, so I doubled down on citric. Came out a touch too tart, but a tiny dribble of simple made it better. I imagine different grenadines affect the sweet/tart ratio quite a bit (I used Sonoma Syrups). Wish I wasn't out of Laird's 7 1/2 Yr. I bet the extra oakiness would play well here.

DrunkLab commented on 7/28/2013:

Glad you liked it. My preferred apple brandy for Jack Roses (including this variant) is a mix of Laird's Bonded with the 7 1/2. You get the rounded oakiness of the older expression with the punch and fruit of the 100 proof.

Bevx commented on 7/28/2013:

Brilliant; I'll have to try that next time I have the 7 1/2 on hand.