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1 oz Gin
1 oz Campari

Stir and strain into rocks glass with fresh ice. Garnish: Orange Twist


A google search for "Montenegroni Cocktail" returns a handful of cocktails by the same name. The above seems to be the most prevalent, along with a version that subs the Montenegro for the Campari, ups the gin slightly, and cuts the sweet vermouth. Something like 1.25 gin, 1 mont., .75 vermouth. In my opinion, this makes a significantly inferior drink.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Paul Manzelli, Bergamot, Somerville, MA
ca. 2014
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
4.5 stars
(11 ratings)
Yields Drink

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From other users
  • I am NOT a Negroni fan but this was enjoyable. Used Hendricks
  • Really good, significantly different from a negroni, and far more than the sum of its parts.
Similar cocktails
Kindred Cocktails commented on 8/20/2020:

We don't normally publish simple Negroni variations because the database would quickly become littered with nearly-identical, similar-sounding cocktails. We allowed this primarily because of the reference and the generally-good cocktails from the source restaurant.