2 oz Aquavit, Brennivin
3⁄4 oz Aromatized wine, Lillet Rose
1⁄4 oz Herbal liqueur, Killepitsch
1 ds Wormwood bitters, Cocktail Kingdom
3 ds Absinthe
1 Cherry (as garnish)
1 t Cherry syrup (as garnish)
3 ds Absinthe (as garnish)
Stir, up. Garnish with cherry and teaspoon of the cherry syrup and 3 dashes of absinthe.
Named after the British Invasion of Iceland. Google it.
I am a somewhat puzzled by the recipe with respect to the garnishes. Is this supposed to have 3 dashes of Absinthe stirred into the drink, with another 3 dashes of Absinthe added on top of the drink? Luxardo cherry syrup just sinks to the bottom, which might be the intent, to create a sort of layer in the bottom neck of the glass. I don't have wormwood bitters among my 40+ bitters...I might consider adding some Malort (which is a simple wormwood infusion) to the drink as a sub.