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Stir, strain, single large sphere or cube, old fashioned glass


Diffords suggests Johnnie Walker black 1:1 with St Germain, a very sweet drink. Oh Gosh suggests a highland single malt 3:1. The poster orignally suggested 5:2.


Named (perhaps by Difford's) in honor of whiskey lover Xavier Padovani

Cocktail summary
Posted by Guenni on
Created by
Unknown. From Diffords Guide to Cocktails 7
Is the
author's original creation
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User rating
3.5 stars
(6 ratings)
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From other users
  • Made with Bowmore Legend. High taste:effort ratio.
  • I saw this on another site as a 2:1, dash of bitters, lemon peal garnish (elderflower thistle). Trying tonight!
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Dan commented on 8/09/2011:

Moderated to provide instructions and some reference / attribution. Actual creator currently unknown. I'm not sure I understand the odd 5/8 measurement. used 1-1/2 and 1/2 oz.

Zachary Pearson commented on 8/09/2011:


The Difford's Guide says equal parts "Scotch" and St. Germain. The article says use 3:1 Glenmorangie Signet (a Highland at $200 a bottle!). This is a little more than 2 1/2 :1, and is using Islay... does anyone have the Difford's Guide and can clarify the brand of Scotch?

Can we also move the 2 1/2:1 and 3:1 versions as variations in the notes?



Dan commented on 8/11/2011:

I updated the history, clarified the name and changed the ratio to 3:1. This is specified in metric: 6cl:2cl. Kindred Cocktails rounds the 2/3oz that is 2cl to 5/8oz, a more manageable amount for most bartenders to measure.

cswasey commented on 5/24/2013:

This is a fantastic rainy day cocktail. I did the 3:1 ratio with the Bowmore 12 and it's very well balanced.