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2 oz Islay Scotch, Laphroaig (10 year)
3⁄4 oz Lime juice
3⁄4 oz Simple syrup
2 cube Watermelon

Dry shake the egg and Lime. Muddle watermelon. Add ice and shake. Strain into ice-filled Collins glass.


Called the Lavender Cadaver because a group of medical students thought it tasted like the morgue

Cocktail summary
Posted by Dan on
Created by
Neal Bodenheimer in Beta Cocktails
Is of
unknown authenticity

Beta Cocktails (book)

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From other users
  • Better than it sounds, but still a dry, alum-y mouthfeel. The ingredients are too disparate to come together. Worth trying once, or once in a great while. — ★★★
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eggs_again commented on 6/06/2016:

Very drinkable, but I just used Maker's Mark instead of scotch (I found it ended up being great if you don't like the taste of whisky, but want to make a drink with it anyway).