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1⁄2 oz Aperol
1⁄2 oz Syrup of roses (see below)

Combine all ingredients, except the sparkling wine, and stir with ice to combine. Strain into a flute, top with chilled sparkling wine and garnish with lemon twist.


For the Rose Syrup: Steep 1/4 cup of dried rose petals in 1 cup of boiling water and let steep for 30 minutes. Strain out the rose petals and lightly squeeze to extract the excess water. Add 1/4 tsp. of rose water and a pinch of gum arabic (the arabic is optional), add more hot water to return the volume to 1 cup, add 1 cup of sugar and stir until dissolved. Keep refrigerated for up to 2 weeks.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Erick Castro, Polite Provisions, San Diego
Is of
unknown authenticity
Not yet rated
User rating
3 stars
(2 ratings)
Yields Drink

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