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6 lf Makrut lime leaf
1⁄4 oz Turmeric
3⁄4 oz Lime juice
1⁄2 oz Herbal liqueur, Green Chartreuse
1⁄2 oz Agave syrup
2 oz Gin
2 oz Coconut milk (Unsweetened)

Muddle the leaves, lime juice, chartreuse, Turmeric, and agave. Add the gin and coconut cream. Shake thoroughly with ice. Pour into a large coupe glass.


To make a "frozen" version, complete steps 1 and 2. Separate the leaves; blend remainder with ice.

Pour into a large coupe glass and garnish with one of the Makrut lime leaves.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Matthew Biancaniello, Eat Your Drink
Is an
authentic recipe
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