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2 oz Pineapple rum, Plantation Stiggins' Fancy
3⁄4 oz Chinese five spice syrup
1 sli Lime (as optional garnish)

Shake all ingredients with ice for 15 seconds, strain into coupe. Optionally garnish with lime wheel.


For the Chinese 5 spice syrup combine 1 cup each water and demerara sugar with toasted & lightly cracked 5 spice ingredients (1 tbsp cloves, 2 tbsp each Szechuan peppercorn & fennel seeds, 4 tbsp star anise, 2 cinnamon sticks). Sous vide for 2 hours at 145 degrees, plunge into ice bath, strain and bottle. Add .25 oz overproof vodka if desired to extend shelf life. Alternately use 5 tbsp of quality 5 spice powder. Or there are also several stove top recipes for 5 spice syrup available online.


Quarterly daiquiri, 18Q1

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