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1 oz Aquavit, Krogstad
1 oz Rum, Banks 5 Island
1 oz Cream of coconut, St Vincent Syrups
1⁄2 oz Lime juice
1⁄2 oz Lemon juice
2 ds Acid phosphate, Art of Drink

Combine ingredients in a shaker, add ice, shake quickly to chill. Pour over fresh shaved ice in a snow cone. Garnish with a lemon and cherry flag


Created 4/12 in LA

Cocktail summary
Created by
Daniel Warrilow, Son of a Gun Restaurant, LA, CA
Is the
author's original creation
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bza commented on 5/24/2012:

This sounds weird as shit but I love the crafty and elusive elk so I'll have to try it. Thanks, and keep 'em coming!

Dan commented on 5/25/2012:

This does sound crazy, but plausible. Call Mythbusters.

Re the <a href="">St. Vincent Syrups Coconut "cream"</a>. From the website, it sounds closer to a syrup, and it does not sound like Coco Lopez would be an adequate substitute. Or maybe Coco Lopez plus some Velvet Falernum?

<cite>This is beautiful collaboration of ginger, clove, and cardamom infused into a mixture of water, coconut cream, and cane sugar. Great for creating lighter style mocktails and cocktails with some strong flavor and a nice creamy texture.</cite>