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1⁄2 oz Passion fruit syrup
1⁄2 oz Lime juice
1⁄4 oz Campari
1 pn Salt
2 oz India Pale Ale, Left Hand 400 Pound Monkey
1 ds Bitters, Angostura (as garnish)

Shake, strain over ice in a highball, top with IPA, garnish with a dash of Angostura and a lime wheel, serve with straw.


Created for the Tales of the Cocktail 2014 "Taming the Hurricane" competition. Mehta mentions that the version he submitted to the contest was made with rhum agricole, with the quantities doubled to fill a hurricane glass.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Sahil Mehta, Estragon, Boston, MA.
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(1 rating)
Yields Drink

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