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2 lf Sage (one as garnish)
1⁄2 Lime (cut into wedges)
1 T Honey
2 oz Herbal liqueur, Chartreuse

Muddle all but the alcohol in an old fashioned glass. Add crushed ice, add alcohol, top up with more crushed ice and garnish with a second sage leaf.


Variation of Bon Appetit's chartreuse smash. I see no need for the gin, just double the chartreuse! I cut their honey down a bit (In fact, as I was in the middle of a move, I just used the maple syrup I had on hand and it was fine. Simple syrup would probably be enough).

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Posted by famico on
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  • I might try adding back some gin; doesn't seem like the sharpness it might lend would seem out of place. By the end this inched up to a 4. — ★★★★
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Zachary Pearson commented on 6/04/2014:

This seems like a tiny tiny drink. it's basically 2 1/2 ounces?



DrunkLab commented on 6/04/2014:

Is that so small? That's basically the size of a Caipirinha (2 oz booze + lime wedges + ~2 tbsp sugar).

Zachary Pearson commented on 6/05/2014:


It just seems like a small amount of drink compared to the ice.



Hisurfadvisory commented on 9/03/2018:

Nice cocktail.  Pulled some fresh sage leaves from the garden and honey from our neighbor’s hive.  Make a honey syrup or it will solidify under the crushed ice.