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3⁄4 oz Gin
3⁄4 oz Zucca
3⁄4 oz Cardamaro
3⁄4 oz Fernet, Letherbee

Shake or stir and strain into a cocktail glass. No garnish.


Fernet Branca does not work well as a substitute for the Letherbee, but another less mint-y fernet might.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Chris Meyer, Buddy Guy's Legends, Chicago, IL
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
4.5 stars
(8 ratings)
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From other users
  • Yummy. Made, however, sans Letherbee, twice. Thought Branca definitely too much, but with last bit of Luxardo Fernet was very nice. Strong n bitter. Edit: remade with Letherbee, even better. 5 stars.
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Westhovsies commented on 11/02/2019:

This is true.  I attempted a few years back with Fernet Branca as that was all I had available. I had the same reaction that I used to have with cough syrup as a child:  two seconds after the swallow, I sneezed it right out.   Now that I have Fernet Vallet in my bar to use, I tried again.  NO sneeze!  

Powerslave commented on 2/03/2023:

Used Jelinek fernet. Like a nutty negroni. Very good.