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1 1⁄2 oz Fino sherry, Lustau
1⁄2 oz Rhum Agricole, Rhum JM Blanc (the 100 proof version is key here.)
3⁄4 oz Lime juice

Shake with ice, double strain, serve up.


The typical dry, slightly mineral and nutty flavors of the sherry come through, and it works really well with the classic grassy notes of the agricole rounding things out. A great daytime daiquiri.


Was listening to an episode of the Shift Drink podcast and Mony Bunni, who is a brand ambassador for Lustau, very briefly mentioned a fino sherry daiquiri, but didn't delve into the spec or anything. The idea sounded delicious and I happened to have an open bottle of fino in my fridge, so I gave it a whirl, pairing the fino with rhum agricole..

Cocktail summary
Created by
Brett Kozinn
Is the
author's original creation
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4 stars
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  • Outstanding! Not a huge daiquiri fan, but this is superb!
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