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1 1⁄2 oz Fernet Branca
1 1⁄2 oz Campari
1⁄2 oz Simple syrup
1 pn Salt (or 2-5 drops of a 1:4 saline solution)
1 rinse Absinthe
1 twst Lemon peel (Oils as garnish)

Dissolve salt in simple syrup, add rest save for the absinthe and lemon peel, stir with ice, and strain into an absinthe-rinsed rocks glass. Twist a lemon peel over the top and discard.


For my shift drink at work one night, I thought about our amari collection and considered taking the Ferrari (50:50 Fernet-Campari) shot in a New Orleans direction. Given that Boston's love of the Sazerac is frequently traced back to Sazerac evangelist John Gertsen at No. 9 Park followed by Drink (where he hosted Sazerac Sundays), I thought about the New Orleans bar where he learned to love them -- Tujagues. That restaurant name made me think of "Two Jacks" as in playing cards, and the one red ingredient and one black ingredient made me hone in on card suits for a name. In the end, Diamonds & Spades won out over the Clubs & Hearts.

Cocktail summary
Posted by yarm on
Created by
Frederic Yarm, Our Fathers, Allston/Boston, MA
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
4.5 stars
(11 ratings)
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