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1 1⁄2 oz Kummel
3⁄4 oz Absinthe
3⁄4 oz Cognac
3⁄4 oz Kirschwasser
1⁄2 t Orgeat
1 t Heavy cream (up to 1 1/2 tsp)

Shake briskly and serve in a tell stemmed cocktail glass.


"And for heaven's sweet sake don't think this snake-in-the grass drink is a harmless and gentle lady's affair just because it has cream in it."
Balaklava Special No. 1 - Equal Parts Kummel and Cognac served with crushed ice in a wine glass.


"Dedicated to the spot made famous by the charge of the Light Brigade which was a spectacular, tragic and rather unnecessary military gesture."

Cocktail summary
Posted by rwilde on
Created by
Served by Caption Ferguson, shipmate around the world in 1926, & late of his Majesty's Bengal Lancers, one time stationed in the Punjab, Northern India.
Is of
unknown authenticity

The Gentleman's Companion vol 2 by Charles H. Baker (1939)

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