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1⁄2 c Water
1 1⁄2 c Basil
2 t Brown sugar (light)
2 oz Light rum
1⁄2 oz Lime juice
1 spg Basil (as garnish)
1 wdg Lime (as garnish)

Simmer water & basil until reduced to 2 1/2 tbsp. Strain, stir in sugar & 1 tsp fresh lime juice. Shake syrup with rum and 1/2 oz more lime, strain, straight up, cocktail glass, garnish.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Bernie Sun, ABC Kitchen, New York, NY
Is an
authentic recipe
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1 star
(1 rating)
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Dan commented on 9/27/2011:

I edited the recipe to correspond to the one in the reference (Food & Wine). The reference's ingredient list neglects the second quantity of lime juice, which the instructions clearly require. I assume the intention is to make a quantity of syrup and store it in the refrigerator, using about 1oz (3 Tbsp) in each cocktail. I also rewrote the instructions to remove any question of copyright infringement.