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1 oz Mezcal
1 oz Averna
1⁄2 oz Amaro Abano, Luxardo
1⁄2 oz Fernet, Norseman
1 twst Lemon peel (as garnish)

I think all of my drinks have been served 'up.' Build, ice, stir, strain, twist, connect. Try to notice the lemon oil swirling about the top!

Cocktail summary
Picture of Black Hyper-Graph
Created by
Zupa - Frogtown
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
3.5 stars
(2 ratings)
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applejack commented on 9/27/2017:

Zupa, I like the unapologetic use of bold ingredients in the drinks you've posted.  This one reminds me a bit of a more aggressive "The Man Comes Around", one of my favorites posted here at KC.  Didn't have Norseman Fernet (looks to be a local product in Minnesota), so I've tried this with Fernet Branca, CH Fernet Dogma and Letherbee Fernet, all to good effect.  Love your drink names too, which would be right at home as song titles for some prog math metal album.