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1 oz Campari
1 oz Cynar
1 pn Salt
1 twst Grapefruit peel (as garnish)

Stir until salt is dissolved.
Add ice and stir again.
Strain into coupe and twist grapefruit over top.

Cocktail summary
Posted by TGlode on
Created by
Kevin Burke, Denver CO
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
3.5 stars
(15 ratings)
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From other users
  • REALLY like it w/ an oz of apple brandy - changed the whole cocktail.
  • 1/7/16: This was pretty tasty (made with lemon peel, didn't have grapefruit), but really the dominant flavor was the Fernet, as expected.
  • Amaro on amaro on amaro. Save this one for after dinner. 3.5★
  • Nice! The Fernet really balances the sweet of the Cynar and accentuates the sweetness of the Campari (it's in there if you look past the bitter). The salt is particularly noticeable in the finish. It's also a lovely color.
  • More accessible than the ingredient list would suggest. But you still have to like Fernet.
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jensck commented on 8/20/2016:

Decent, but the flavors didn't really blend together when made as described. Adding about 30ml of apple brandy brought it together pretty nicely though.