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2 oz Herbal liqueur, Green Chartreuse (Cocoa Puff-infused)
1⁄2 oz Crème de Cacao, Tempus Fugit
3 wdg Lemon
8 lf Mint

Muddle lemon wedges and mint leaves, add the rest of the ingredients and shake with ice, double strain over ice in a rocks glass, garnish with Cocoa Puffs and mint, serve with straws.


Cocoa Puff-infused Chartreuse: crush 4 oz Cocoa Puffs and shake vigorously in a bottle of Chartreuse, letting sit for at least an hour. Strain, bottle, refrigerate.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Sam Gabrielli, Russell House Tavern, Cambridge, MA.
Is an
authentic recipe
4 stars
User rating
4 stars
(2 ratings)
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From other users
  • Muddled a handful of Cocoa Pebbles with the lemon and mint instead of infusing. — ★★★★
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yarm commented on 3/30/2021:

This was such a fun brunch drink to offer with a horrible pour cost. Yes, towards the end when it was leaving the menu in a few weeks, we muddled Cocoa Puffs to order.