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1 oz Scotch, Monkey Shoulder
1⁄2 oz Pear liqueur, Rothman & Winter
1⁄2 oz Pear liqueur, St. George (Spiced)

Stir, strain into old fashioned glass with a large cube or sphere or a Nick & Nora glass.Garnish with an expressed orange swath, and a dehydrated pear slice if you're feeling showy.


If not using the dry-ish St. George Spiced Pear Liqueur, use standard pear liqueur with a dash of Degroff's Pimento Dram bitters, Ango, etc. Depending on the sweetness of the pear liqueur used, you may want to either bump the scotch up to 1.25 oz or cut the liqueur to .75 oz.

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