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1 1⁄2 oz Barbados Rum, Plantation 5 Year
1 oz Ruby Port
3⁄4 oz Chocolate liqueur, Distillerie de Biercée
1⁄4 oz Griotte, Distillerie de Biercée
1⁄2 oz Coffee syrup (see note)
2 ds Cherry Bark Vanilla Bitters, Bittercube
1 ds Allspice Tincture, Dashfire

Shake all but allspice tincture. Strain into an ice filled tiki mug, and garnish with allspice tincture.


We made a Big Watt Beverage Co.'s "Circuit Bender" coldpress coffee syrup--1 part concentrate, 1 part dilution, 1 part raw sugar


Part of Big Watt's "Periscope" tiki menu at Eat Street Social in Minneapolis, MN. This is a wonderful combination of richness and depth of flavor with just a wink to the Caribbean with mild island spice and that luscious cococnut milk.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Lee Carter & Jason Westplate
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
5 stars
(2 ratings)
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