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2 oz Brandy
1⁄2 oz Lime juice (Juice of one lime)
4 ds Simple syrup (Gum Syrup)
3⁄4 oz Vanilla ice cream (Calls for 1 scoop, feel free to estimate here)

Long shake, strain into a coupe.


I used - 1/4-1/2 oz of Gum Syrup, and 1/8 oz Jamaican Rum and it was very tasty, maybe increase the Jamaican rum a bit. This cocktail is wild the lime and Ice cream seem like such an odd pairing but it's similar to an orange creamsicle with a good dose of Brandy holds it altogether similar to Benedictine's role in most of it's cocktails.

Cocktail summary
Created by
William Schmidt
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
3.5 stars
(4 ratings)
Yields Drink

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Zachary Pearson commented on 7/07/2020:

Curated this slightly - limes were a lot smaller back then, so I dropped the lime to 1/2 oz from 1. Added a link to the EUVS copy of the book. Thanks,  Zachary

subspot commented on 7/09/2020:

Thanks Zach for the link and curation! 

Zachary Pearson commented on 7/10/2020:

No problem... that site is a treasury for cocktail geeks. It should be bookmarked by anyone who is even remotely serious about cocktails. Thanks,  Zachary

hypoxic_ commented on 9/25/2022:

Used 1.5 oz of ice cream and the more generous 1/4 oz of demerara syrup

Would recommend a preliminary shake/strain with ice or chilling all the ingredients beforehand as the ice cream really doesn't chill things down. A quick pulse blending also helps to make a more homogeneous drink .

Overall the lime/cream mix works really well with brandy! Swapping the proportions for rum/brandy also probably would be really good as well