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8 cube Sugar cube
2 oz Sweet vermouth (cinnamon-orange tea infused)
4 oz Gin, Plymouth
3 oz Champagne
6 Grapefruit (wheels, as garnish)

Muddle sugar and soda, add remaining ingredients except Champagne, serve in punch bowl with large block of ice. Top with Champagne and garnish.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Phil Ward, Death and Co.
Is an
authentic recipe

Death & Co. book, pg. 237

Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(1 rating)
Yields Drink

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From other users
  • A keeper. Triple the recipe at least if you intend to fill a sizable punch bowl.
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Dan commented on 6/12/2011:

Updated the yield to 12 (small) drinks. This makes the units come out fairly even for making 1 or a few drinks.

Craig E commented on 10/23/2014:

The recipes I've seen floating around specify that the vermouth should be infused with orange-cinnamon tea, and half the champagne indicated.

Zachary Pearson commented on 10/25/2014:

I got the Death & Co book today, and updated the recipe to the specs in it. With 17 oz. of liquid (and assuming a little dilution), I feel comfortable calling this 6 drinks.

