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1 oz Coffee (Cold brew concentrate)
1⁄2 oz Overproof rum, Plantation O.F.T.D.
1⁄2 oz Madeira, Blandy's (Bual 10-year "medium rich")
6 oz Porter beer (Bell's, Tadcaster, or Left Hand rec'd)

Drop everything but the beer into a pint glass, stein, or the muzzle your club-butt fowling piece. Pour in the ale with vigor. One quick stir, then enjoy.


I used Bell’s porter and Trader Joe’s French Roast coffee concentrate. I get distinct cinnamon notes from this. Feel free to adjust the coffee upward as much as necessary. If you can handle it, the drink can, too.


“Rattle Skull” variation commemorating the September 1, 1774 Massachusetts militia muster that amounted to a practice-run for the first battles of the American Revolution the following April. Drink up, and keep your powder dry.

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