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1⁄2 oz Lemon juice
3⁄4 oz Apple liqueur
1⁄4 oz Orange flower syrup
1 spg Mint (as garnish)
1 pn Nutmeg (as garnish)

Add ingredients to julep cup or Collins, add some crushed ice and stir, top with more crushed ice and garnish with woken mint. Serve with straws.


Terrington's version: "Put into an ice pitcher 1 bottle of cider, 1 gill of good lemonade, 2 glasses of dry sherry, 1 teaspoonful of orange-flower water, 3 sprigs of mint; sweeten to taste; add 1 lb of shaven ice.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Rafa GarcĂ­a Febles, NYC.
Is an
altered recipe

Adapted from William Terrington's Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (1869), p. 193.

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