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1 1⁄2 oz Fernet Branca
1⁄4 oz Lemon juice

Shake, strain, straight up, cocktail glass

Cocktail summary
Posted by Dan on
Created by
Lord Hobo, Cambridge, MA
Is of
unknown authenticity
Reference, conversation with Lord Hobo

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User rating
4 stars
(19 ratings)
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From other users
  • Delicious, but not for the timid. Sharp ginger notes balance the Fernet's menthol and the lemon's acid tones down the bitter and balances the sweetness.
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christina in tacoma commented on 9/11/2011:

That is some sublime, gingery minty goodness. Disclaimer: I am hopelessly addicted to ginger and mint. Thank you for sharing!

Dan commented on 9/12/2011:

Yes. Lord Hobo came up with a great intro to Fernet. It's fabulous (if you like Fernet, which I do).

maestro898 commented on 12/27/2013:

Also tried with equal parts Fernet, ginger liquor, and gin, with great success.

hazenyc commented on 8/13/2020:

Added 2 dashes chocolate bitters. 👍