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1 oz Coffee liqueur, Caffé Borghetti espresso liqueur (Other coffee liqueurs will work)
1 oz Averna
1 pn Nutmeg (Freshly grated as garnish)

Shake once without ice and once with ice, strain into a single old fashioned glass, and garnish with freshly grated nutmeg. An additional garnish of freshly grated coffee bean would not be out of place here.


The Espresso Martini is hot, but folks want to see what else coffee flavors can do.


A guest at Drink wanted a dessert cocktail that was coffee flavored, and I came up with this Flip on the fly with the Borghetti Espresso Liqueur and Averna from our house Espresso Martini recipe and the Benedictine, egg, and nutmeg garnish from the Colleen Bawn. I later made it for a guest requesting a nightcap towards the end of the night (captured here in the photo before I delivered it). Overall, it was a Flip like the classic Coffee Cocktail, but one that actually tastes of coffee. For a name, I dubbed this one after a line from the 1992 movie Glengarry Glen Ross – namely Coffee's for Closers.

"Always Be Closing" = A is for Averna, B is for Benedictine, C is for Coffee Liqueur!

Cocktail summary
Posted by yarm on
Created by
Frederic Yarm, Drink, Boston, MA
Is the
author's original creation
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5 stars
(4 ratings)
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