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2 oz Rye
6 lf Basil
1 1⁄2 oz Ginger beer

Muddle basil, add rest of ingredients and stir well, for at least 30 seconds to ensure basil essence is well incorporated. Pour over large ice cube.


I personally prefer this on rocks, however, I have made this as a martini but would recommend double straining if you were to do so. I have also used several Rye's (Old Overholdt is my favorite) with similarly pleasing results.

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From other users
  • Not bad. I liked the spiciness - in fact after I made it, I added a few dashes of black pepper tincture to give it even more spice.
  • Spicy, with the basil and Peychaud’s lending an herbal balance.
  • The basil smelled so nice at the muddle but got lost in the drink, overpowered by Rittenhouse and Peychaud's. I like the idea here, though, leaving out the citrus.
  • This was included on my seasonal summer cocktail menu
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