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1 oz Navy strength gin, Hayman's Royal Dock
1 oz Calvados, Boulard
3 oz Cynar 70

Stir, rocks, big cube


So, I’m waiting for delivery of fresh bottles of the named ingredients, but here were four potential ingredients inhabiting nearly empty bottles, dregs as it were, and it appeared to me that, y’know, this might actually work. And I think it did.

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From other users
  • Oh, and it should be clearly noted that this recipe is for TWO servings. Otherwise, the Cynar 70 and navy strength gin will leave ONE in a world of hurt.
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Craig E commented on 11/15/2020:

Are the quantities right? Seems to me like this would fill two rocks glasses with big rocks.

bkopynec commented on 11/16/2020:

Yes, and thank you for noticing.  My error. The quantities as written are indeed for two drinks.