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1 1⁄2 oz Dry apricot brandy
3⁄4 oz Batavia Arrack (scant)
3⁄4 oz Orange juice (scant)
1⁄4 oz Gin (scant)
1⁄4 oz Triple sec, Cointreau (scant)

Shake and strain into cocktail glass. Add chunk of pineapple


Converted from wonky percentages - Each 3/4 - 1/4 pairing should add up to 3/4 oz. Garnish should either be a wheel or spear of pineapple.


Found in the 1937 U.K. Bartender's Guild manual, Harry Craddock, President

Cocktail summary
Created by
John W. Emmerich
Is an
authentic recipe
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Dan commented on 11/14/2011:

Meh. Used Blume Marillen and von Oosten, two fairly pricey ingredients. Not worth the ingredient cost. I question whether 1 tsp of gin is detectable. An okay drink, but I wouldn't return to it.