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1⁄4 oz Lime juice
1⁄2 oz Curried Ginger Syrup (see instructions)
3 oz Champagne (dry, top off champagne flute)

Shake (not including the champagne) with ice, poor into champagne flute, top with champagne (3 oz is a guess, probably is less). Toast the new year


Curried Ginger Syrup: put 2 tablespoons each of Tellicherry black peppercorns, grains of paradise, and coriander seeds into a saucepan and toast for 2 or 3 minutes. Then add 2 cups of water along with 1.5 cups of demerara sugar and .5 cups superfine sugar. Boil then simmer for 2 min. Take off the stove and add 4 sprigs of curry leaves (fresh from your Indian grocer) and muddle. Steep for 1 hour. Strain with cheesecloth and sieve. No actual ginger in the recipe.


I went looking for something unusual to bring out at a new year's party and found this. Cheers!

Cocktail summary
Created by
Death and Co. Joaquin Simo
Is an
authentic recipe

Death and Co. pg. 221

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4 stars
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