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1 oz Overproof bourbon (Stagg jr 129 proof)
3⁄4 oz Suze
3⁄4 oz Sweet vermouth (Lustau)
3⁄4 oz Fernet Branca
1⁄4 oz Orgeat

Long stir, about a minute, strain in coupe


Sweet yes ! But my palate loved the taste it had.
I pretty much like how fernet and suze interact.

If someone knows a way to keep the flavor and lower sweetness, please, let me know !

I uped bourbon slowly to 1. 1/3, but fernet and suze vanished....

Maybe dry sherry instead of vermouth ?

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HallA commented on 2/19/2022:

It's sweet for sure, but with a bracing bitterness from the fernet so it doesn't taste cloying at all. Can definitely taste each part of the mix and agree with other comments that the fernet + suze is lovely, and I tend to think maybe more so with the Letherbee fernet I used that has a bit more saffron. Very nice.